Thank you for a fantastic year!!

A young steer keeping a cover crop of oats and clover mowed for us.

Today is our last market of the year. We’ve put most of the farm to bed for winter under a blanket of cover crops that will prevent erosion and add fertility and organic matter back to the soil.

We hope you have enjoyed and felt nurtured by all the food we grew this season. We sure appreciate your choice to source your food from our small farm. You help support 6 families of the folks that work here in doing so. You decrease the environmental impact of shipping food long distances, and hopefully you savored and loved tasting the difference when food is organically grown with love and intention and freshly harvested rather than the days/weeks old it can be once you buy from a grocery store.

We will have one winter market on January 20th. CSA signups will open in January as well. We’ll be in touch when its time to order/sign up!

We hope you have a restful, cozy winter!

Jenny and Chris


One and Only winter market is this Saturday, 1/18/25


We are still delivering Online Store Orders!